Thursday, July 22, 2010

My newest game

So me and Hippo were bored... like always... he asked me if i had found a new game yet... since we both know its IMPOSSIBLE to get into SRO and besides... he already left it a long ago...

point is neither of us... had another game... so we started lookin i gave him a list of around 7 games to youtube around while i youtube another list...

I used the as a reference...

Hippo stumbled on Requiem: Memento mori... i dled it and tested it... its not bad... but i already tried out Perfect World and started to like it... so i told him bout it... he youtubed it and viola~!... we still on it.

So the new game im actually playing atm is Perfect World International... and im proud to say that I got Hippo to play with me, together with Vic and ofcourse my brother Cenrick... i think whatever game I like and consult about it with him he tries and end up liking...

I guess gamin does run in the family... xD

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