The Month of January 2009 went pretty smooth...i might say...just been in my dramas as ussual. I must admit i had a teribble nightmare thou.
On the island in the first 2 weeks of January we had atleast 7 accidents with 4 was really scary and frighting. The one that shocked the island most was the one with youngers... friends who went celebratin the upcoming birthday of one of 2 days...returning home they had an accident and the guy who's birthday they were celebrating...died in the accident at the spot...the driver wasnt that bad... compared to his cousin, who had lots of injuries and the guy that died...
The next few days the island was very cautios...u could feel it and see it...
On my way to was on Wednesday...4 days after that accident...that i was frozen like in a time fraction...where u can stop time for a few seconds...all of a sudden lots of images started to run inside of me...all images of me havin an accident, being hit by a truck and seeing all of the car gettin torn apart, me in the seat bein pulled on the side...seeing all of my blood flooding out...i was crying while watching the scared me to was soo horrorific and at the same time so painfully...i coulda feel or have the sensation of how it would have felt at that moment of the accident... i just slowed down...and pulled on the side...i needed to pick myself up before continue driving...but honestly... i was really scared and sad at the same time... This was my nightmare and it kept me from speeding for a short time.
January ended with me having only that scary nightmare...on top of it it spoilt my mood to play any games i ussualy play...thank god i got honest and realy friends...otherwise i would be still down.