Monday, August 2, 2010

Feelin moody

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My newest game

So me and Hippo were bored... like always... he asked me if i had found a new game yet... since we both know its IMPOSSIBLE to get into SRO and besides... he already left it a long ago...

point is neither of us... had another game... so we started lookin i gave him a list of around 7 games to youtube around while i youtube another list...

I used the as a reference...

Hippo stumbled on Requiem: Memento mori... i dled it and tested it... its not bad... but i already tried out Perfect World and started to like it... so i told him bout it... he youtubed it and viola~!... we still on it.

So the new game im actually playing atm is Perfect World International... and im proud to say that I got Hippo to play with me, together with Vic and ofcourse my brother Cenrick... i think whatever game I like and consult about it with him he tries and end up liking...

I guess gamin does run in the family... xD

Saturday, July 17, 2010


" I want a love that not only shakes my mind and body but also my Heart and Soul".

" It was written in our Destiny that our Fate was to become Soulmates".

Soulmate: The one and only half of one's soul for which all souls are driven to find and join. The one you have a mutual psychic connection with, the one who you have a deep feeling of natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spiritual and compatibility with. Twin flame or twin soul.

Destiny: The finality of events that will work out. Destiny implies a chance of participation.

Fate: The finality of events that have worked out. Fate implies no choice to change and ends fatally.

So, its been a week since I finished a drama called Soulmate, a korean drama, with beautiful cast and purrfectly and beautiful OST. I fell in love with its OST, specially the song "C'mon Through" by Lasse Lindh. It has such deep lyrics and the melody is so sad, I called it a Mushy song. I'm so into it, I suggest to test it. I also luv the meaning behind the drama, it really hit me. Dramas like that always makes me keep wondering where my other half is. How come I havnt met my twin soul, or that if it really feels like how they say it suppose too, I wonder if I will immediately recognize him. How will I be able too or will he realize its me? I won't say no, I'm still waiting...

Alot of ppl ask me if im lonely... my answer to that is no... just because im not into a relationship doesnt mean im lonely... i luv bein how i am and that is just me... It feels weird i guess to be waitin on someone who might not even be around me... but who gives... im the one waitin no other one... and who knows... maybe he is waitin for me aswell...

Its always been like that... Aslong as my heart doesn't tremble I won't get into a relationship knowing it won't last...

SO guys, wish me luck on finding my other half ^^

Laters xD

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The hawt lookin canadian

At work today... like all sundays its quite boring... now here comes in a freakin cute dude... askin if he can sit with us watchin the game... im a cashier at a bank... and we do have a flat screen tv up...and he had a bet with friends... and wanted to follow the game...
Now who woulda thought that such a handsome guy would come and sit for such a long time with us watchin the game?
I was askin him a few questions... but was too shy to ask for his name... i do know he livin on our sister island Curacao... and that he was from Canada...
But... he left me and Michelle [colleague] love strucked!

here u can see him ^^ [and yes my phone caught it pretty crappy]

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New haircut...

I like how it looks... and i like it that now i dont have to care much for my hair since its this short xD

And here in again...and yes atleast my nighty is yellowish xD